Our Mission

Our Mission

Businesses in today's world have made it a trend to have a "mission statement".  The Lord's church has always had a "mission statement".  Carry out the "Great Commission".  Early in Christ's ministry He told his followers to "go only to the house of Israel".  This meant to only go to the Jews or to the physical children of Jacob, who was also called Israel.  Since this only entailed a certain group some have called it "the limited commission".  Just before Christ ascended to heaven when He left the earth He said to preach the Gospel to the whole world and to every creature.  Since this entailed everyone some have called it "the great commission".

The Gospel literally means "good news".  We are honored to be part of the great commission helping spread the good news to the world.  We hope this website, our other social media sites, our local work, and other labors we take on help you and your loved ones learn and uphold the Gospel.  That is our mission!

As we spread the Gospel we are anxious to share exciting things about God's word that will help you grow.  For example, the "great commission" is not just for the "physical children of Abraham".  The "great commission" is for all the "spiritual children of Abraham".  Jesus said "they are not all Abraham's that are of Abraham".  This can be difficult to understand.  Jesus said He could even make children of Abraham out of rocks.  What He was saying is that just being born of Abraham was no longer all it took to be considered God's chosen ones.  Anyone who by faith obeys Jesus becomes a child of God or a "spiritual child of Abraham".  We hope we can help you on the journey of being a faithful child of God.